Deloitte Luxembourg named ICT Strategic Advisor of the Year


Firm recognized by Luxembourg community for outstanding quality of work, combining forward-thinking technological capabilities with exceptional customer service.

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09/12/2019 |
  • Joel Vanoverschelde (002)

    Joel Vanoverschelde

Deloitte Luxembourg was awarded “ICT Strategic Advisor of the Year” at the Luxembourg ICT Awards 2019 in front of market leaders and tech experts on Tuesday 3 December. The Firm was acknowledged for its collaborative work with its clients, assisting in the transformation of their businesses into the industry players of tomorrow.

Over the past 12 months, Deloitte Luxembourg has engaged in over 850 projects with clients throughout the greater region, across Europe, and globally. Through the work carried out in Deloitte Luxembourg’s own D.Lab, the Firm has offered its clients proofs of concept through various technologies, laying the foundations of concrete solutions across many different sectors and industries, from banking to European institutions.

Deloitte Luxembourg has been awarded “ICT Strategic Advisor of the Year” nine times in the past eleven years, cementing the Firm’s commitment to their clients’ successful digital transformations by continuously examining the latest technological impacts which will have a dramatic impact on their business.

“Together with our clients, we imagine, deliver, and run the future of their organizations, utilizing technology such as AI and researching the latest trends in cyber and cloud to analyze the developments which will have a significant impact on an organization’s business model,” comments Joel Vanoverschelde, Advisory and Consulting Leader at Deloitte Luxembourg. “The related responsibility for continuous delivery of essential services is immense, and our stakeholders value our support in planning, implementing, and sustaining the services.”

More than 800 ICT professionals gathered at the Casino 2000 in Mondorf-les-Bains for the 13th edition of the IT One Gala, according to Farvest. The event included the “[Un]real: the DeepTech illusion” conference session, before the Luxembourg ICT Awards ceremony took place, recognizing the best practices and solutions of 2019.

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