Deloitte Luxembourg wins ICT awards for Best use of AI & Data and Best Digital Transformation Project of the Year


Deloitte Luxembourg received the “Best use of AI & Data” and “Best Digital Transformation Project of the Year” awards for its digital and innovation practices that provide relevant and forward-looking solutions for current market challenges at the Luxembourg ICT Awards 2020.

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03/12/2020 |
  • 1 Patrick Laurent ITOne Gala Opening speech (002)

    Patrick Laurent, Advisory and Consulting Leader and Innovation Leader at the awards ceremony

“At the dawn of 2021, we need to stay ahead of the curve and adopt new trends and set Luxembourg as an innovative hub in Europe. The role of tech within organizations has evolved; it is not just a support function anymore but the language of business strategy. The road will be long and full of surprises but we are ready for it”, said Patrick Laurent, Advisory and Consulting Leader and Innovation Leader at Deloitte Luxembourg in his opening speech at the ceremony. “The two prizes show our capability to drive digital transformation and pave the way forward—always with our customers at the center of our work.”

The winning ingredients for the “Best use of AI & Data” prize were Deloitte Luxembourg’s AI Visual Intelligence Solutions. Developed in Deloitte Luxembourg’s AI Lab, they are based on advanced AI techniques with underlying neural networks. Two showcases that were part of the winning pitch include the AI Car Damage Solution, which automatically detects various levels of damage based on an image of a car, as well as ProtecteD, a new AI-solution for face mask detection in public places.

The “Best Digital Transformation Project of the Year” was won for supporting major energy supplier Enovos to improve its customer experience and develop new digital offerings.

“We are very happy about the two awards that are a recognition of our innovation and transformation capabilities. The “Best Use of AI and Data” prize is a major achievement for our AI Lab team which is delivering actionable artificial intelligence applications on a daily basis. Next to this, the “Digital Transformation Project of the Year” award matters a lot to the Deloitte Digital team. It is the result of a great engagement and collaboration with Enovos’ teams, leveraging all the advantages of today’s cloud technology”, explains Ronan Vander Elst, Partner and Digital & Technology Leader at Deloitte Luxembourg.

The winning projects and practices of the Luxembourg ICT Awards 2020 were presented at the annual ITOne Gala on 1 December 2020, which gathered market leaders and tech specialists—mainly virtually this year—from all over the country.

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