'6 Stonne Vëlo mat der Post an der Stad' raises €6,000 for the Red Cross

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Luxembourg, 15 January 2013 - The '6 Stonne Vëlo mat der Post an der Stad' (6-hour cycling event in association with the Post and the City of Luxembourg) took place on 8 July 2012 in Luxembourg-Cloche d’Or. The relay race organised by the Vëlossektioun of the Amicale des P&T (the cycling team of the P&T social committee) in close cooperation with the City of Luxembourg gave participating cyclists the opportunity to support a Luxembourg Red Cross aid project by making a donation.

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15/01/2013 |
  • P&T remise chèque Croix-rouge 14012013

The Red Cross is delighted to actively participate in this popular event and thanks P&T, the Vëlossektioun of the Amicale des P&T and all donors for their generosity, which will allow disadvantaged children to enjoy a holiday camp

Michel Simonis, Director of the Luxembourg Red Cross

512 cyclists riding for 87 teams, including five Red Cross teams, participated in this event, which took place for the second time last year. Various entertainment activities were also available to spectators (adults, adolescents and children).

On 14 January 2013, the CEO of P&T Luxembourg, Claude Strasser, handed over a cheque for €6,000 to Michel Simonis, Director of the Luxembourg Red Cross, in the presence of the Mayor of Luxembourg, Xavier Bettel, as well as the organising team led by Felix Schmol and Carlo Hoffmann.

The sum of €6,000 is given to the Luxembourg Red Cross Holiday Organising Service which arranges holidays for children and adolescents between 4 and 17 years old. This money will help 20 disadvantaged children to go to holiday camps for a week with the Red Cross.

Claude Strasser, CEO of P&T: 'The success of the second "6 Stonne Vëlo an der Stad" event demonstrates the growing enthusiasm for cycling in Luxembourg. P&T would like to sincerely thank the organisers and all partners for contributing to the success of this event which, I am sure, will continue to grow over the coming years.'

Xavier Bettel, Mayor of the City of Luxembourg: 'For the City of Luxembourg, this event displays its firm commitment to sport and leisure, competition and the wellbeing of its citizens. I would like to offer my heartfelt congratulations to the organisers and my best wishes for the 2013 event! ‘

Felix Schmol, president of the Vëlossektioun of the Amicale des P&T: 'We are extremely happy with this second event and hope to attract an even greater number of teams and spectators on Sunday 22 September 2013.'

Michel Simonis, Director of the Luxembourg Red Cross: 'The Red Cross is delighted to actively participate in this popular event and thanks P&T, the Vëlossektioun of the Amicale des P&T and all donors for their generosity, which will allow disadvantaged children to enjoy a holiday camp.'

The third '6 Stonne Vëlo an der Stad' will take place on Sunday 22 September 2013.

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