Jiway signs with a Swiss Private Bankers company

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18/06/2013 |
  • Jiway

Over 200 different reports will be developed over the next 12 months and not less than 600 users in 5 legal entities of the private banker will use the solution ImPressio from October 2013

Olivier Augsburger, Director of Jiway Switzerland

Jiway confirms the agreement of services with a Swiss private banker, seduced by a series of innovative technologies proposed by the software dedicated to authoring and archiving : ImPressio.

The objective of the mission is to replace the current client reporting software. Interconnections between ImPressio and the back-­office developed internally by the Bank have clearly determined the final choice to the benefit of Jiway.

Jiway team has brilliantly realized a complex and highly graphical report. ImPressio was the only software able to develop such a document, while many competing products had already tried out the exercice without success. Among the tools to implement, a powerful Infocenter will allow users to work within an interface provided with a modern and ergonomic environment. The project also aims to place the PDF as a central element of the authoring process.

Olivier Augsburger, Director of Jiway Switzerland:  « Over 200 different reports will be developed over the next 12 months and not less than 600 users in 5 legal entities of the private banker will use the solution ImPressio from October 2013. »

Excited about the technical scope of ImPressio and surprised by the responsiveness of Jiway, the Swiss Private Bankers also appreciate the knowledge of Jiway team, regarding the sector of Private Banking and its specificities. This excellent collaboration has already been emulated:  recommended by the Swiss private banker, Jiway will implement the solution into another banking institution in Geneva that has already confirmed the agreement to migrate its editing flows under ImPressio.

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