Docler Holding appoints Forbes rated most influential individual as Head of Marketing

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Docler Holding is proud to announce the appointment of Adam Kluger, recognised by Forbes as one of the 30 most influential people in the music industry under the age of 30, as its Head of Marketing

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17/06/2014 | Personnalités
  • Docler

    Adam Kluger.

In Adam I see the chance to present our dreams to people, either through the traditional offline marketing tools, or through the idols people are looking up for. Docler has great values to share and many ground-breaking ideas. As a Luxembourg based company, it is now important for us to develop our brand in the US and reach a large audience. Besides, we have already tested Adam’s marketing model some years ago with our Oranum brand, which was featured in one of Christina Aguilera’s famous video clips. And it was a success!

Laszlo Czero, CEO of Docler Holding

At only 27 years old, Adam Kluger works out of Miami and has managed to build a strong reputation within the American music industry. He successfully created a non-traditional Advertising Agency focusing essentially on strategic partnerships and product placement within the music industry. In 2012, it was cited that he brought in more than five million dollars a year in revenues.

“Music is a great trend setting tool. My job is to partner the brands directly with the artists for a strong product placement in music videos and song lyrics. I discovered really early that the music industry was in need of new type of revenue streams and needed brands to connect the dots. On the other side, not all brands can easily compete against the well-known ones, and so music comes in as a great alternative with effective results in terms of brand positioning and recognition”, explains Adam.

Adam has already worked with some big artists like LMFAO, R&B singer J Rand, Lady Gaga, Kesha, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Jennifer Lopez, Beyoncé Knowles, Eminem, just to mention a few.

“In Adam I see the chance to present our dreams to people, either through the traditional offline marketing tools, or through the idols people are looking up for. Docler has great values to share and many ground-breaking ideas. As a Luxembourg based company, it is now important for us to develop our brand in the US and reach a large audience. Besides, we have already tested Adam’s marketing model some years ago with our Oranum brand, which was featured in one of Christina Aguilera’s famous video clips. And it was a success!”, says Laszlo Czero, CEO of Docler Holding.

Adam’s business model steered some controversies when it first came out among the music industry experts, but quickly became socially acceptable and highly recognised.

“I am really proud that this type of profession was finally recognised by all and the Forbes rating helped solidify this. My major goal is to help establishing a brand’s image and providing artists with the necessary means needed to express their creativity”. Adam adds, “I am delighted to work with Docler Holding. We have a number of great projects and ideas in the pipeline for some of the groups’ brands. It is an exciting new project, a place where dreams come true, and we would like to share this with everyone”.

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