Deloitte Luxembourg: Operation Shoebox brings 750 care packages to people in need

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With the joint effort of its employees, Deloitte Luxembourg has prepared 750 shoeboxes filled with personal hygiene products for people in need in Luxembourg

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  • Operation Shoebox boxes only

The CSR initiative helps create links between the firm and society, as well as between the firm and its employees. With Operation Shoebox, just as with every CSR project, we aim at having a significant and positive impact on stakeholders

Elisabeth Layer, Partner Audit and Chair of the CSR Committee at Deloitte Luxembourg

The special care packages are currently being distributed among three Luxembourg aid organisations. On Wednesday, 17 December, Deloitte representatives handed out 110 shoeboxes to underprivileged people together with the Luxembourg Red Cross.

The goal of Operation Shoebox is to help the less fortunate people in Luxembourg by providing them with essential hygiene items like shampoo or tooth paste, to mention just some. The 750 boxes were gathered over the past month, with a peak on the day of the firm’s annual, internal charity market, CSR Klenge Maart. Besides the collection of shoeboxes and other internal charity activities, such as the selling of cakes, charity organisations were present at a small bazaar especially organised for the day to sell products for the benefit of these organisations.

In November, Deloitte Luxembourg distributed 150 shoeboxes to citizens who had come to the Stëmm vun der Strooss day centre in Rue de la Fonderie. Alexandra Oxaceley, Director of Stëmm vun der Strooss, observed: “I saw a smile on faces that unfortunately rarely smile because of their difficult conditions. The users of the day centre sincerely appreciated the fact that external people came to help. This genuine gesture of solidarity and generosity has really touched them.” This distribution at the Stëmm vun der Strooss day centre was the first of its kind in a series that will last until the end of the year.

The idea for Operation Shoebox was first suggested by a tax employee within the firm, winner of Deloitte Luxembourg’s 2013 CSR Contest. ”The CSR initiative helps create links between the firm and society, as well as between the firm and its employees. With Operation Shoebox, just as with every CSR project, we aim at having a significant and positive impact on stakeholders”, resumes Elisabeth Layer, Partner Audit and Chair of the CSR Committee at Deloitte Luxembourg.

Deloitte Luxembourg has been present on the Luxembourg market for over 60 years and currently employs more than 1,600 people.

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