ING NEWS: Small secrets in couples’ budgets: Luxembourg not saved!

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According to the last ING International Survey, nearly one third of Luxembourgers (29% against 31% for the European average) agree that it is normal to keep a few secrets regarding money within couples

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  • IIS couples

We note that Luxembourgers are really on average, compared to the 42% for France and 13% for the Netherlands.

Similarly, 1 Luxembourger out of 10 admits having spent money these last 12 months without telling anything to his/her partner, against 1 out of 5 for the European average. In the Grand-Duchy, it seems that married couples are more reluctant to hide expenses from their partner (11% of married people do so, compared to 19% for those living together but not married). Generally, it seems that aged couples are even less likely to have secrets.

As far as secret bank accounts are concerned, 18% declare they have one unknown by their partner, against 17% for the European average. In Austria (24%) and in Turkey (28%), this  « habit » appears to be the most widespread and in the Netherlands it is the least (13%). In Luxembourg, there are more people among the residents with a university degree to declare that they do not have secret accounts for their partner (81%) than among those without these qualifications (65%)

Finally, 10% of Luxembourg residents do not disclose their exact salary to their partner, against  13% for the European average. More precisely, 15% of women in the Grand Duchy declare they do not disclose their exact salary to their partner, against 6% for men.

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