JOIN Experience to offer Machine to Machine (M2M) services without roaming

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After two successful years for our Telco & IT services in our home country Luxembourg and after one promising year in Belgium, JOIN Experience (JOIN) will intensify its services offering in the M2M segment and support companies in the Internet of Things (IoT) world throughout Europe.

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22/01/2016 |
  • Join

More and more companies are offering their products as connected services, creating great market opportunities for JOIN delivering them optimal, stable and affordable communication links over existing Telco infrastructures.

“Thanks to our greenfield setup and our new generation Billing System, we are able to deliver M2M solutions to our customers in a matter of weeks,” says Pascal Koster, JOIN managing partner. “Together with our flexibility as medium operator and our open API´s we can add values that larger operators cannot do,” Pascal continued. In order to support the growth of its M2M operations, JOIN has appointed a specific M2M sales manager.

“With our revolutionary local and pan-European offering, we neutralize roaming costs and together with our JOIN solutions, we offer true independence in connectivity ”, Edwin, M2M sales manager, stated. “Our offering fits both large and small corporations and is a perfect match for distribution partners. I am delighted to add value to our customers and help them in the value chain ” the M2M sales manager added. Information on the machine to machine proposition is available on JOIN Office and B2B Internet site at, section M2M. As of February you can easily order your M2M sim cards on our Internet site

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