Three contest, three awards for DIGICASH

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DIGICASH - Luxembourg’s mobile payment product - wins the “Outstanding ICT Contribution to Luxembourg” category at the 10th edition of the Luxembourg ICT Awards ceremony attended by more than 800 ICT professionals on December 1st

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02/12/2016 |
  • 3Awards for DIGICASH ld hands up ld

It was the third award in a row for DIGICASH in less than two weeks: the product already won the “Best Mobile App of the Year” category at the Luxembourg Marketing & Communication Awards ceremony on November 24th, shortly after having been rewarded with the “Outstanding Contribution to the Financial Center of Luxembourg” trophy at the Luxembourg Finance Awards event on November 15th.

These three prizes endorse the product’s significant impact on consumers’ daily lives in Luxembourg. Their shopping and payment experiences have become truly digital, covering person to person and point of sale payments, utility bills, e-commerce and payments in other Apps. And they love it: DIGICASH Apps have been widely acclaimed with more than 110.000 downloads to date.

DIGICASH is the result of a genuinely unique and exemplary partnership between four retail banks (BCEE, BGL BNP Paribas, BIL and POST) and the Luxembourg start-up Digicash Payments. Based on its broad popular success, the product has become one of the strategic pillars of the Luxembourg FinTech landscape, putting country at the forefront of the global financial services innovation scene thanks to its technological lead in the area.  

This year’s rewards confirm two other prizes DIGICASH got a few years ago, at its beginnings, already showing its high potential: the Paperjam ICT Grand Prix back in 2010, kick-starting the R&D product building phase, followed by the jury prize of the Accenture Financial Services Innovation Awards in 2012 for the best innovative project of the Belgium and Luxembourg financial industry.

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