BIL EXHIBITION - Nos meilleurs voeux, the Raymond Niesen collection

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From 30 March to 9 June 2017, the Galerie Indépendance at Banque Internationale à Luxembourg SA (BIL) will be displaying works from Raymond Niesen’s collection in an exhibition with the title Nos meilleurs voeux (Our best wishes).

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29/03/2017 |
  • 20170329 BIL Nosmeilleursvoeux

Although the season for greetings cards has passed, it is about to recommence at BIL’s Galerie Indépendance. From 30 March onwards, the Nos meilleurs voeux exhibition will display works resulting from an initiative launched in 1990. Raymond Niesen, CEO of BUROtrend, began the tradition of inviting a Luxembourg-based artist each year to create greetings cards for the company’s clients and friends. Thus, for the past 26 years, based on sketches and original works of art they acquired, Raymond Niesen and BUROtrend commissioned specialist studios to produce hand-printed serigraphs. These serigraphs are then signed and numbered by the artist of that year, which elevates them from simple greetings cards to personalised works of art.

But sending these cards in their thousands (more than 40,000 to date!) was not enough for Raymond Niesen. He wanted to display the originals, the serigraphs and lithographs as part of a retrospective exhibition. This aim has now been accomplished. Nos meilleurs voeux presents a cross-section of Luxembourgish art over the past three decades with Rico Sequeira, Jean-Marie Biwer, Robert Brandy, François Valentiny, Frank Jons, Sumo, Anna Recker and Armand Strainchamps, to name but a few.

“We are delighted to present Raymond Niesen’s collection to the public. We share his commitment to supporting the nation’s artists and promoting the local art scene. This exhibition offers the public access to original works by the country’s leading artists of the last decades”, explained Hugues Delcourt, BIL CEO.

This exhibition is yet another example of BIL’s dedication to promoting art and culture, which, alongside innovation and education, are the key focus of its corporate social responsibility policy. The Galerie Indépendance has hosted Luxembourg’s most prominent artists for more than 20 years.

The Nos meilleurs vœux exhibition is open to the public on business days from 30 March until 9 June 2017 (8am to 6pm).

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