Bonn Steichen & Partners strengthens its expertise in the investment management practice by recruiting Isabel Høg-Jensen


Isabel has joined the Investment Management team of the Luxembourg law firm Bonn Steichen & Partners (BSP)

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19/09/2017 | Personnalités
  • BSP IHO PhotoPG2

After more than 5 years at HSBC as Senior Legal Counsel and 6 years as Senior Legal Adviser at ALFI, Isabel Høg-Jensen joins BSP Investment Management department as Counsel.

Isabel has in depth knowledge of both the traditional and the alternative investment funds industry in Luxembourg, as well as on all the aspects relating to capital market union, OTC derivatives/Emir and remuneration policies in the financial sectors, including shadow banking and money market funds.

The addition of Isabel to the Investment Management team led by Luc Courtois, partner, represents BSP’s commitment to continuing to strengthen the breadth and depth of our legal services.

Commenting on her recruitment, Luc Courtois said “the arrival of Isabel enables BSP to further consolidate its leading position in the market thanks to her extensive knowledge of the practice, understanding of the operational and institutional environment, and her client approach”.

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