LU-CIX, EDH and Cegecom partner to support Luxembourg as a major European ICT hub


LU-CIX opens a new point of presence in the data center of European Data Hub. Cegecom will provide the link to connect the node. The tripartite partnership will reinforce Luxembourg’s position as a major ICT and Internet traffic hub in the heart of Europe

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15/12/2017 |
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As of today, LU-CIX opens a new point of presence (PoP) in the data center of European Data Hub (EDH). The new partnership will enable local Internet access and new content providers to be connected locally to LU-CIX' national network. Based in Luxembourg City (Cloche-d’Or district), EDH, the private data center operator, will host LU-CIX’ Internet exchange node.

The LUxembourg Commercial Internet eXchange and their members will benefit from EDH’s Tier IV-certified data center solutions and expertise, as well as their highest level of security and most innovative technologies. With this new partnership, LU-CIX now counts 7 PoPs in the country.

Make Luxembourg more competitive in Europe, more attractive for international companies
“This new PoP in EDH’s datacenter is an important move for LU-CIX,” Claude Demuth (LU-CIX’ CEO) said. “This partnership between our three entities will strengthen Luxembourg’s Internet traffic and connectivity axis.”
“We are proud that LU-CIX has chosen EDH to host one of its exchange nodes. This partnership will allow EDH to extend and diversify its range of services and solutions, and we’re happy to announce already having deployed live customers together with LU-CIX.” Patrice Roy, Director Sales & Operations at EDH, explained.

As a connectivity provider and founding member of LU-CIX, Cegecom, will plug the node to EDH’s data center. “Cegecom has invested with the aim to reinforce its presence within EDH,” said Didier Wasilewski (Cegecom’s Sales manager and LU-CIX’ Vice-Chairman). “Hence, Cegecom will be able to provide a robust connectivity with a high bandwidth in its ultramodern optical fiber network”.

Luxembourg, a major Internet traffic and ICT hub in the heart of Europe
The co-operation between the membership based association LU-CIX and the two private key actors, EDH and Cegecom in Luxembourg will contribute to position Luxembourg further as a major Internet traffic and ICT hub in the heart of Europe.

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