How high net worth individuals can succeed in their investment plans with non traditional assets

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In the world of the High-Net-Worth Individual (HNWI), there are many things that can be complicated - wealth and succession planning, managing tax across multiple jurisdictions and navigating a cross-border lifestyle, to name a few. Combined with a low interest rate environment and slow economic growth, seeking investments that offer higher returns within a well-protected framework can be challenging.

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24/09/2018 |
  • Ebook-open-EN

Today, OneLife, the specialist Luxembourg life assurer, in partnership with Scorpio, launches its new insight on: #Success in #Investments - My Life. My Family. My Investment Plans. Taking an in-depth look into the world of non-traditional investments, OneLife considers that diversifying assets beyond purely traditional and alternative investment types is the key to an investor’s success. #Success in #Investments follows the fortunes of a number of families across the globe with different wealth management needs and demonstrates how non-traditional assets can benefit their personal investment plans. Whether it be Private Equity, Real Estate, Securitisation Vehicles or Holding Companies, the non-traditional arena allows the investor to minimise risk, invest for higher return and choose sectors which interest them the most - so that they can follow their passions and stay connected with the latest companies.

Investments are all undertaken within the framework of a unit-linked Luxembourg life assurance contract offering high levels of protection, flexible wealth planning and succession benefits and portability across borders no matter the jurisdiction where the globally mobile might live.

According to Antonio Corpas, CEO OneLife: "In today's world, usually High-Net-Worth Individuals lead international lifestyles and as such, diverse investment options are needed to manage and grow their international wealth. Investing in non-traditional assets opens new avenues for wealth creation by allowing investments in Private Equity, Real Estate and Securitisation, among others. OneLife’s own expertise in the area of Non-Traditional and Unquoted Investments makes a real difference when it comes to responding to the needs of the internationally wealthy".

Fouad Charrite, Manager of Non-Traditional Assets [ad interim] OneLife said: “These more specialised types of investments give access to multiple industry sectors which are often innovating in their fields, like Start-up and FinTech companies. The opportunity for investors to finance some of these fast-growing sectors, follow their passions and invest in opportunities across borders is an exciting prospect. Especially when combined with the peace of mind and security that a Luxembourg life assurance policy brings”.

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