Respect for the environment: a prerequisite for LIFTEUROP suppliers

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As part of its CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy, LIFTEUROP places respect for the environment at the heart of its concerns! The Luxembourg-based manufacturer of lifting accessories pays special attention to sustainable development.

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20/08/2019 |
  • stock-acier-lifteurop-press (002)

It all starts with the choice of materials used in the design of the accessories and lifting systems. “Our products are made primarily of steel, a sustainable product!” says buyer Julien Dethier.

But if LIFTEUROP itself is attentive to the protection of the environment, the company expects just as much from its suppliers. Since steel is the main material used by the company, it is important that it choose its suppliers carefully!

“Our suppliers must have social practices that are consistent with our own. This is very important to us. The ALIPA Group buys responsibly and expects its suppliers to share the same values of respect for the environment and sustainability. All our suppliers must, for example, sign specifications in which they commit to compliance with the European REACH regulations,” explains Julien Dethier.

REACH (for the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical products) is a European regulation adopted to better protect human health and the environment against the risks associated with chemical substances.

Founded in 2010 in Wiltz, LIFTEUROP produces and distributes high-quality material and lifting accessories with the STAS brand’s own design. STAS is the flagship of the French lifting industry, ensuring the safety of goods and people since 1953. Certified in accordance with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 and with a CSR policy, LIFTEUROP is part of the lifting division of the ALIPA Group, a Luxembourg packaging and industrial lifting specialist with approximately 150 employees.

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