Flibco.com becomes first Luxembourg company to introduce a real 4- Day Work Week

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Flibco.com, a leading company in the airport transportation industry, is proud to announce a revolutionary change in its working hours policy. Since July 1, 2023, the company has implemented a 4-day work week (32 hours/week), enabling all employees to work one less day per week while maintaining the same level of salary and holidays.

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04/07/2023 |
  • management-team-picture

    The management team

Unlike previous experiments by other companies in Luxembourg, which involved increasing daily working hours while the total weekly hours remained the same, Flibco.com is the first company to truly reduce the standard work week to 32 hours. This pioneering initiative sets Flibco.com apart as a trailblazer in prioritizing work-life balance and employee well-being. Flibco.com is part of SLG, and innovation is a part of its DNA. The company believes that innovation should reach all aspects of the work such as processes, technologies and human resources management.

The end goal of this initiative is to bring significant improvements for both the employees and the company. By affording the staff more time for personal pursuits and quality time with their families, the company anticipate increased job satisfaction and improved work-life balance, with the expectation that this shift will result in a new level of process optimization due to enhanced productivity and focus during the remaining working hours.

Numerous studies have highlighted the positive outcomes achieved by companies that have adopted similar working models. A study conducted by the International Work-Life Balance Research Institute demonstrated that organizations implementing reduced working hours experienced higher levels of employee happiness and reported improved economic performance [1]. After a huge change in management process based on new and modern working principles, Flibco.com is now ready to build upon these findings and capitalize on the potential benefits for its workforce and business operations.

"We are ready for a fantastic new work future” stated Mr. Tobias Stüber, CEO of Flibco.com. "My team has the right mindset and passion to make this real 4-day week a success story as a pioneer in Luxembourg. – with this innovation we are reaching the next level of “new work principles” after the flexible working hours and working location. I am convinced that with this decision we will realize a significant potential in efficiency increase and at the same time we will contribute to a substantial improvement of the work-life balance of our employees - a true WIN-WIN situation!"

This transition to a 4-day work week will be carried out as a trial for all company employees based in Luxembourg. Flibco.com will closely monitor the impact of this policy and evaluate its effects on employee satisfaction, overall performance, and business outcomes. Should the trial prove successful, Flibco.com intends to extend the initiative beyond the initial period and implement it across all the other countries.

Mr. Marc Sales, Business and Managing partner of SLG, also welcomes this initiative saying: “SLG acknowledges innovation as a cornerstone within our family-owned business structure. Flibco.com has been a trailblazer in digitalization and New Work at the European level. Under the leadership of the CEO Tobias Stüber, the New Work vision has been successfully realized, introducing us to innovative working concepts. The trial of a four-day work week at Flibco.com is a logical next step to test this new way of working. While recognizing that this method may not be applicable in all areas, we are committed to maintaining our reputation as an attractive employer and fully support this endeavor.”

As an industry leader, Flibco.com is dedicated to fostering a progressive and inclusive work environment. This bold move to continue optimizing business processes as well as the well-being and work-life balance of its employees aligns with the company's core values and commitment to excellence.

[1] Reference: "The Economic Impact of a Reduced Work Week: A Study by the International Work-Life Balance Research Institute," published in the Journal of Workforce Productivity and Well-being, Vol. 15, Issue 2, 2022.

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