Baker McKenzie Luxembourg announces the arrival of Valérie Kopéra as litigation counsel as of 1 February 2024

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Valérie joins a growing litigation team headed by Annie Elfassi, Partner at Baker McKenzie Luxembourg.

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06/02/2024 | Personnalités
  • Valérie Kopera  Annie Elfassi BK Luxembourg

    From the left to the right: Valérie Kopéra and Annie Elfassi

Valérie has almost 20 years of experience in Luxembourg legal business. After a first experience in tax, corporate, banking and finance advisory, Valérie specialized in business litigation and gained a solid expertise in corporate governance and insolvency matters.

Valérie has been involved in high-profile multijurisdictional civil, commercial, funds, tax and regulatory disputes before Luxembourg courts and as counsel in foreign jurisdictions.

Valérie also assists clients in prelitigation matters through risk management and pre-dispute advice.

Valérie has gained a deep expertise in insolvency and restructuring matters by acting as court appointed liquidator and bankruptcy trustee in major international insolvency cases.

Valérie is also active in data protection, IP/IT and AI matters.

Valérie's appointment will provide the firm with an ever more efficient and cutting-edge client service in dispute resolution matters.

"In the current global context of increasing demand for advice in the field of dispute resolution and business litigation, we are delighted with the arrival of Valérie Kopéra, a dynamic litigator. This new hire is consistent with the firm’s positioning and the litigation team strategy who will continue to broaden its capabilities to best meet the needs of our clients " commented Annie Elfassi.

Jean-François Findling, managing partner of Baker McKenzie Luxembourg, added, "Valérie's wide range of expertise and adaptability are a real asset to our Litigation team, which offers tailored solutions to all the complex situations entrusted to us by our clients. We look forward to continuing this adventure with Valérie in our Litigation team."

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